"find the morgan" is a real Treasure Hunt with a real treasure chest consisting of around 40# of gold.
How it works:
There 40+ clues. These are video's showing me placing Morgan Silver dollars (some are gold pre 1933 $5 and $10 gold coins) in different area's across the US. You do not need to go to each location to figure this out or to solve. You just need to figure out what ties them all together if there is one or what relevance each one has if any. But all the answers you need are in the video's, this is what you have to figure out. If you can figure it out, it will put you right on top of the Treasure Chest. Now don't get the video's mix up with other Treasures going on. All the video's used for this will have a (22) at the end of the video title or will be labeled as a short clip video. Using both the short clips and the long can be very useful.
For each Morgan or gold piece that is found, it will validate this is the real deal.
Do not trash or destroy areas, the Morgan's are easily assessable as you can see in the video's. No need for a shovel so don't be digging anything up. There are certain rules and laws, so don't be breaking any. Follow all rules and signage for each area. Just please be respectful and enjoy the areas. DO NOT TRESPASS ON PRIVATE PROPERTY. Also please be careful some of these areas are really dangerous. This isn't a game, this isn't an amusement park, This is real and you could get seriously hurt or even killed. This is not a joke. Real treasure hunts are dangerous and involve risks. Nobody is making you go look, so you and only you are responsible for whatever could happen. There are animal's that can hurt, eat, and kill you. There are snakes, spiders, and other critters that can hurt you, make you sick and even kill you. This is not a controlled environment, This is the real outdoors. READ MORE...